Hi I'm Nick,

a software developer with a full-stack mindset who loves the process of forging the bridge between conceptualization and a tangible, impactful product. Programming is my outlet for my problem-solving and creative expression, and I happily combine it with my strong desire of exploring the unfamiliar and learning new technologies. Please feel free to look at some of my work below, or contact me through your preferred medium on the left.

Technical Competencies:
-Languages and technologies: JavaScript, Python, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, Flask, Docker
-Frameworks: React.js, Redux
-Component libraries: Chakra UI, Material UI
-Methodologies: OOP, Test Driven Development, Pair Programming, REST, AJAX
-Version Control: Git, GitHub

Recent Work

Catch Me If You Can

A fun, competitive app that lets users create and keep track of exercise routes - wherever they are!

Live Link GitHub